“Elevate & Expand:

Legacy Business Scaling Workshop"

Learning Objectives:

1. Strategic Transformation: Participants will learn how to assess their legacy business's current strengths and weaknesses, identify growth opportunities, and develop a strategic roadmap for scaling while preserving core values and heritage.

2. Innovation Integration: Attendees will explore methods for integrating innovation into their legacy business models, leveraging emerging technologies, and adapting to evolving market trends to stay competitive in today's dynamic business landscape.

3 Sustainable Growth Practices: Participants will gain insights into sustainable growth practices, including resource optimization, talent development, and ethical considerations, to ensure long-term viability and positive impact as they scale their legacy businesses.

The Workshop will be held on Wednesday, July 24 at 12pm Eastern so register here: đź“Ť

Your Host, Elona Lopari

High Level Growth Business Consultant

CEO of The Life School

Elona Lopari is known as the BUSINESS CATALYST, helping elite business owners become game changers in their field and achieve million dollar + breakthroughs in their business. She also helps them align their personal life vision with their professional.

As a former Fortune 500 Executive who built and led record-breaking teams in over 20 locations around the US, Elona's programs and consulting encompass billion dollar corporate strategies combined with the speed and agility of the most powerful online strategies of today.

She is the CEO of The Life School where she helps purpose driven entrepreneurs and corporations with their branding, marketing, sales, systems and teams so that they can build legacy wealth in life and business while also making massive impact and do more good in the world.

She is also a bestselling author of numerous books and speaks in global stages where she passionately shares her message with the masses. She is a servient community leader and has built several impact driven communities in her business.

You can also check out her other books “Connecting the Dots Backwards”, “Purpose Driven Entrepreneurship” Journal “Connecting the Vision Backwards” Planner " Focus on Purpose" available on Amazon.